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  • Access detailed download, upload, and latency metrics


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  • View Roamer rating on all listings
  • Contact hosts with custom message templates
  • Access detailed download, upload, and latency metrics


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  • Request an internet speed test from hosts
Start Roaming

As an employee at a large tech company with a highly competitive culture, I can't afford to stay in a place with poor internet while travelling. Roamer is crucial for someone like myself who values my career but also likes to travel.

Johnny ODonnell - Engineering Manager at Amazon

Sorely needed when evaluating different Airbnbs. There was too much headache dealing with slow internet in the past. Now, I don't have to take that risk - I can travel to cool places and still have the confidence to have good connectivity for work.

Keji Xu - Founder at Fursure

Why isn't Roamer Free?

We don't want to sell your data

When a service is free you are the product. We won't ever sell your data. As a result, we need to charge.

We don't want to bombard you with advertisements

Nobody likes ads. Products built on advertising must do everything they can to attract and keep your attention. We believe that finding the best Airbnb to work from should take you less time, not more.

Maintenance Costs

There are costs associated with hosting and maintaining the enormous speed test dataset.

When you win, we win

Roamer was built and is maintained by just two passionate travelers. By paying for Roamer now, you guarantee that we can focus on building the best possible product for you.


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